Stress has an enormous impact on our daily lives, our relationships, and our work performance. Employers and employees alike are learning that the importance of a good work-life balance is critical to their bottom line. But deciding to focus more on work-life balance and actually achieving a well-balanced life are two very different things. In… Read more »
Workplace Safety Starts at the Top
At All-Star Personnel, we know it’s true that workplace safety needs to be a priority from the top all the way down to the bottom of an organization. It is a key responsibility of corporate leadership to emphasize the importance of safety to ensure that all levels of staff are aware of protocols and hazards… Read more »
What Should You Look for in a Recruiting Agency?
As a job candidate considering working with a recruiting agency, you likely have a lot of questions about what to look for from a staffing firm. You want to make sure you work with recruiters who have your best interests at heart, and who know where you will be able to put your skills and… Read more »
Do You Need a Temporary or Permanent Employee?
All employers know that recruiting can be a real hassle. The age-old saying that good help is hard to find is more true now than ever. In today’s fast-paced ever-changing economy, how do you know what staff will be worth the investment five or ten years down the road? Should you hire a staffing firm… Read more »
Tips for Interviewing With a Recruiter
Congrats! Your resume and cover letter have done their jobs and landed you an interview with a recruiter. But don’t think it’s a done deal just yet. You may have a foot in the door – and working with a recruiter is a great way to find a great job – but don’t let your… Read more »
Why Use a Staffing Firm to Find a Job
As a candidate, you may find yourself asking why you should use a staffing firm to find employment. There are a number of reasons why this type of job hunt may be the right choice for you. In today’s article, we go over the benefits of using a staffing firm to help you better understand… Read more »