Holiday Party Do’s and Don’ts


The holiday season is right around the corner. But times are tough for a lot of companies. Because of that, your company may or may not host a seasonal party. But if you got an invite, you better make sure you are leaving the management team with a great impression of you outside of work. Here are some things you should know before you head to the outing. 

What Not to Do 

First of all, try to avoid talking about work at an office party. These events are meant to be a nice boost for employee morale, and often your coworkers just want to think about something else during a party. Show the office that there’s more to you than your day job. Keep shop talk to a minimum.  

Next, no matter how casual the atmosphere may feel, avoid being critical of your job, your company, your coworkers, or your boss at a holiday party. For starters, you’ll bring the mood down with your negativity, and it’s highly likely that you’ll say something that you would regret being overheard (or shared) with a supervisor). 

An obvious don’t is classic overindulgence. A drink or two can help you loosen up and enjoy the evening, but you’ll need to be an accurate judge of your limits and make sure you are still lucid enough to navigate a professional networking event. Also, never drink and drive.  

What You Should Do 

Do attend. Don’t let the pressure of an unstructured work event scare you away. Passing on the invitation can send the wrong message. Try to stay for at least 30 minutes and connect with your coworkers in a casual but still professional way. Remember that holiday parties are one of the ways companies share their appreciation for their staff. Making an appearance shows that you recognize the hard work everyone contributes and that you appreciate spending time with them. So enjoy.  

Do dress to impress. Holiday parties are a great chance to break out of your normal work attire routine and share your personality through your fashion choices. But remember, this is still a professional event. Dress nicely, but feel free to get festive at the same time.  

Wondering what you should talk about at a holiday party? Here’s a great place to start. Be extra gracious and complement your team members for their efforts and hard work over the past year. Think of real examples where you’ve interacted with them and applaud their accomplishments while others are around to appreciate them as well. Be careful not to come across as insincere, but a little schmoozing and good natured congratulations will help you strengthen business relationships and build connections that can help you succeed in the New Year and beyond.  

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For help finding seasonal work near you, connect with the team at All-Star Personnel today.  

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