If anything can be said about careers, it’s that everyone takes a different road even if they end up at the same destination. A gap in employment isn’t really all that unusual. Plenty of people lose jobs due to layoffs, family leave, or just personal time. But it would be a shame to say that getting back to work wasn’t at least a little intimidating. Rebuilding your professional network and finding relevant opportunities takes time and effort. Luckily, we are an industry leader of employment agencies in Nashville, TN. Our recruiters are like career counselors who can help you get back to work. Here is what you need to know.
Be Honest and Upfront About Your Work History
There’s no point in hiding an employment gap. Honesty is always the best policy. Tell interviewers and recruiters why you needed to take a break. If it was due to personal challenges, explain what happened as objectively and honestly as you can while still remaining diplomatic. There are hundreds of reasons people take a break, and most employers recognize this.
It’s important to try to remain unemotional and objective when explaining what happened to a prospective employer. An interviewer is learning about and evaluating your response to difficult situations as much as they are interested in your documented employment history. The worst thing you can do is lie. Any lies could be found out through background checks and reference checks and reasonable cause for being let go or having a job offer rescinded.
Describe What You Learned and How You Grew From The Experiences
Many professionals have gaps in their chronological work history. But that doesn’t mean they didn’t do anything between jobs. Those experiences, any passion projects or time invested in raising or assisting family can provide valuable learning opportunities that help shape professionals and make them core members of their future teams. Think about how you grew personally during your gaps, and incorporate those learnings into your job search. They are what differentiate you and make you unique. Rather than glossing over or trying to hide your gaps, leverage them in an interview or in your cover letter to explain how they shaped you as a professional and how they will help you shape your future career success.
Be Confident in The Value You Bring
While it can feel tough to talk about how you came to be unemployed, or why you needed to take some time off, don’t let that emotion get in the way of communicating your value. The bottom line is that even with gaps, you can be a powerful force within a team. If a company doesn’t understand what curveballs life has to throw at even the most qualified professionals, they may not be a good fit for you. While answering questions about any period of unemployment can be uncomfortable, know that you’re not alone. Being prepared for whatever comes your way and having confidence in the skills you’ve attained during that break can go a long way to bridging the gap with poise and professionalism.
All-Star Personnel can Help You Find Meaningful work
For more help finding the next job in your career, connect with the team at All-Star Personnel today.