3 More Resolutions to Make This Year


Resolutions don’t need to be made on the 1st of the year. Here are three more resolutions you can make that will significantly improve your career development this year, and you can start working on them whenever is convenient for you. So, here’s to the new year and a better you in 2020.  

Master A New Skill 

Mastering a new skill is something well worth investing in each year. There are so many new things to learn, no matter your field. Picking up a new skill can be challenging but also very rewarding. The way digital technologies have revolutionized business makes it critical to learn new skills relevant to your career each and every year. Mastery comes not just from learning but also from doing. So while you identify what skill gaps you have within your career, also look for real-world opportunities to grow and test your skill set either within your current role or even as a passion project.  The practice and the knowledge will surely come in handy wherever you set your career sights in the new year.  

Meet A New Person Each Week 

Networking is critical, and even more so before you are actively looking for a new job. Make the resolution to meet someone new each week if you can. You never know who may have a connection or be able to make a referral to help you on your way along your career path. Also, don’t limit yourself to in-person networking events within your industry. There are few ways to more quickly expand your professional network than meeting people online. Social networking websites like LinkedIn, Facebook, even Twitter and others can help you make meaningful connections and set yourself up for future career opportunities.  

Update Your Interview Attire 

This year, take inventory of your interview attire. If it’s been a while since you thought seriously about what you would wear to meet a prospective employer, it’s time to update your wardrobe. Take the time to donate anything that doesn’t fit or is out of style. Consider seeking out a clothing swap or treat yourself to 1 or 2 new pieces that will really help you stand out. For gentlemen, the best interview attire is a simple suit and tie, or for those working in more casual fields, a smart button-down shirt and slacks. For women, a suit is also a good choice, but there are other options such as skirts or pants and a blouse that can help you look your professional best.   

The key is to make sure you are comfortable and confident in your interview attire. And if you find yourself unprepared for your next interview because your old suit is not a great fit anymore, now is a perfect time to make sure you get everything taken care of before you need to worry about it.   

Now that you know how to tackle your goals for 2020, finding your next job is as simple as reaching out to the team of recruiters at All-Star Personnel. Browse the job board for your next big opportunity or give them a call today.    

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