3 Job Search Resolutions You’ll Actually be Able to Keep


The coming new year means new opportunities and new challenges to bring out your best self. This year, confront that bad habit of procrastination that inhibits productivity and slows your career growth. Focus on your personal branding for social and professional success! And make time to give back to your community. These 3 New Year’s Job Search Resolutions will inspire you and make it past February in the coming year!

  1. Kick Procrastination to the Curb

Nothing slows down your job search like procrastination. It can be especially easy to slow your search during the holidays, as job opportunities may be scarce and many employers taking vacation time. But that doesn’t mean you should take a break, especially once the new year hits. There are plenty of opportunities to make connections, seek out opportunities, and share your resume, even when you might not think it. Rather than procrastinate and say you’ll get to it tomorrow, remember that today is a day you will never get back. Check yourself whenever you find yourself opening up a game or app when you know you should be working. So to make sure you are bringing your A-game to your job search, make sure you remember that everything worth doing is worth doing today.

  1. Clean Up Your Social Media Presence

Few things can kill your job prospects like a wild or unprofessional social media presence. When you are on the hunt for a new job, your social media profiles are just as important as your resume. Make sure you clean up your accounts, update your information, post a professional-looking photo of yourself, and use your profile as an easy way to meet new employers and make new connections. LinkedIn is critical to your job search, but don’t forget to take a second look at your other non-anonymous accounts like Twitter or Facebook. The chances are that an employer will Google your name to see what comes up in the search. At the very least, you should be prepared to address what they find in an interview. At best, you can curate their experience and show them what a fantastic person you are to work with.

  1. Volunteer

Getting out into the community not only helps you feel great, helps your neighbors and community, but also helps you make meaningful connections in the professional world. Those connections can be pivotal to the success of your job search. So in the new year, if you find yourself in between jobs with a little time to spare, this is valuable resume experience, and frankly, the world needs a bit more kindness. Give your time, and you never know what you’ll get back.

For more advice on how to conquer your job search in the new year, connect with the career advisors at All-Star Personnel. Their local knowledge and industry expertise will be sure to help you make the connections you need to find the next big step in your career for 2020.

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